South Harrison Water Corp.

Employees .....

The staff of SHWC is made up of the following employees (years of service):

B.J. Lillpop - General Manager (14)
William Stewart - Treatment Plant Operator (29)
Laura Miller - Office Supervisor (26)
Deanna Curts - Customer Service Clerk (24)
Tonya Gerdon - Part-time Office(3)
Terry Schmelz - Superintendent (1)
Nathan Heinze - Water Technician (8)
Josh Law - Water Technician (2)
Pete Theland - Water Technician (1)
Larry Crosier - Part-time Field(12).

A water utility is required by the State of Indiana to have at least one licensed operator on staff. South Harrison Water has two treatment plant licensed operators, three wastewater licensed operators, and five distribution system licensed operators. All told our 9 full time employees hold 12 different state certification licenses.
