Troop 47 Awards & Honors .....

2007 First place at Klondike Derby for the Compass Course. Our Scout of the Year was Clayton Morris and our Scouter of the Year was Georgette McAleese.

2006 Our Scout of the Year was Josh Sams and our Scouter of the Year was Kim Sams.

2005 First place at Klondike Derby for Best Trail Meal. First place at Klondike Derby for Fire Building. At Spring Camporee our troop won first place for Best Overall Grub and first place for Best Dutch Oven Cooking. Our Scout of the Year was Kyle Sellers and our Scouter of the Year was Earl Kelly.

2004 Our Scout of the Year was Ben Schreck and our Scouter of the Year was Rick Sams.

2003 Our Scoutmaster, Doug Sellers, received the scout council’s highest award, the Silver Beaver. We also received great media coverage with an article about our soon to be Eagle Scouts in the Corydon Democrat, another article in the Indiana Weekly, and press coverage of our Silver Beaver award winner. Our Scout of the Year was Nick Bishop and our Scouter of the Year was Ross Woodbury.

2002 First place at Klondike Derby in the coveted Sled Race. At spring camporee our boys won first place in Mountain Rescuers and also took first place in Silent Movers. Our Scout of the Year was Jacob Cunningham and our Scouter of the Year was Pete Palmer.

2001 At the fall camporee our boys won the Boy Scout Style Award. Our Scout of the Year was Allen Klein and our Scouter of the Year was Terry Crosier.

2000 Our Committee Chairman, Wayne Karcher, received the scout council’s highest award, the Silver Beaver. At the Klondike Derby our troop won many awards including first place finishes for – Best Sled, Tomahawk Throw, and First Aid. At the spring camporee we took many first places in the competitions including – Match Splitting, Tomahawk Throw, Cross Cut Sawing, and Log Drag. The great finishes at spring camporee led to our boys winning the All Star Patrol Award. Our Scout of the Year was Daniel Newman and our Scouter of the Year was Sandy Sellers.

1998 Our Scoutmaster, Doug Sellers, received the GRC District Award of Merit.

1994 Our Scoutmaster, Fred Babcock, received the scout council’s highest award, the Silver Beaver.

1990 Asst. Scoutmaster, Sharon Babcock, received the GRC District Award of Merit.

1989 Asst. Scoutmaster, Jan Hecht, received the GRC District Award of Merit.

1987 Scoutmaster, Fred Babcock, received the GRC District Award of Merit.

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